Savings Tip #12-Family Game Night

One of the best ways to save money is by reducing your family entertainment budget. You don’t have to go to the movies, rent DVDs, go bowling, or go out to eat to have quality time with your family. You can do it for FREE by having Family Game Night. Dust off the boxes and break out the dice and spend time talking while you see who is going to come out on top. The bonus savings is your electric bill will go down because you won’t be scattered across the house on your electronic devices. You will also save gas and mileage on your car because you don’t have to go anywhere. In the end you will have more money in your pocket and more quality time with your family. Who could ask for more.

Check out Family Game Night Fun!

This 2013 our goal is to save more money! MadameDeals is all about Making Dollar$ Out of Change, so everyday we will be sharing some useful and simple tips that we can easily do. Saving a few buck$ may not be a lot, but if you will combine all the savings that you can get within a year, I’m sure you’ll all be surprised with the result.

Save money this 2013, check out our other Saving Tips!

Also, read our other Useful Tips posts!

If you have some tips share it with us below.