PVC Pipe Craft Projects: Easy Knit Scarf Patterns

PVC Pipe Craft Projects

PVC Pipe Craft Projects

I am in love with PVC Pipe Craft Projects. I must admit I like to make things out of other things. I have always been hands on. I was on pinterest and I saw a project that I really wanted to do. It was hand knitting. I tried. I know how to knit. I have knitted scarfs in the past. I thought how hard can hand knitting be? I decided I needed a easy knit scarf patterns.

I placed the yarn on my wrist. I followed the you tube video above. Then my kids needed something. I was wrapped up. I looked like a ticked off cat. I tried to get the yarn off. Then it just became a big  ball of a mess. I thought to myself. When do I really have 30 minutes to knit anything without being interrupted. That brought me to the realization that I could knit this project if my needles we large enough in circumference. That made me hit the home depot. I walked the aisles looking for something to knit with. I decided the PVC pipes would make a great craft. I used them to knit. You can click on the image below to see my easy knit scarf patterns. The cost of my knitting needles that came from the plumbing department was $6.00 . They are really 12″ Tailpiece for sink part number 24628. I liked these because of the lip on the end.


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PVC Pipe Craft Projects