Healthy Dog Treats in Your Cupboard

Healthy Dog Treats in Your Cupboard

healthy dog treats

I buy dog treats like most dog owners but I often worry about all the calories and preservatives they contain. If we are working to feed ourselves and our kids healthier foods, shouldn’t we do the same for our dogs and all our pets. That is why I started making my own Healthy Dog Treats. Once I started making them my dogs began to get excited whenever they realized I was baking for them. This made it even more worth while because who doesn’t love the affection a dog can give. Some days I just don’t have time to bake or even make my No Bake Healthy Dog Treat Recipes. On these days I turn to my cupboard and fridge to discover the endless options for Healthy Dog Treats.

Healthy Dog Treats in Your Cupboard

  •  Apple Slices or chunks ( no seeds)
  • Green Beans (rinse off canned or cook frozen and fresh)
  • Carrots (fresh don’t need to be cooked, cook frozen and rinse off canned)
  • Bananas (Freeze bananas about to go bad in saran wrap for a frozen treat. Remove from peel first)
  • Yogurt (stuff in a bone or kong)
  • Cottage Cheese (stuff in a bone or kong)
  • Peanut Butter (stuff in a bone or kong)
  • Small pieces of skinless/boneless chicken
  • Boiled or dehydrated Sweet Potatoes
  • Oatmeal (Stuff in a bone or kong)

You can also check out this great lists of Healthy Dog Treat Recipes Ideas for filling your dogs Kong.

Are you new to making your own Healthy Dog Treat Recipes or just looking for some ideas to help you make better treats? Then make sure to check out Healthy Dog Treat Recipes Tips.

Maybe you are looking for some more inspiration to build up your collection of Healthy Dog Treat Recipes. Then check out this list of dog tested and dog approved treats made right in my own home.


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