DIY Rice Sock Heat Pack

Ease the Aches and Pains with this Rice Sock Heat Pack

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With a sock or a towel and some rice you can create your own Rice Sock Heat Pack and save money and trips to the store.

How to Make a Rice Sock Heat Pack

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What you will Need:

Adult Pair of Socks (pick a material that will be soft and comfortable on your skin)



Optional: Dish Towel provides an extra layer between you and the warm rice.

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Cut a hole in the bottom of a plastic or paper cup. This will be your funnel to pour the rice into the sock.

Pull sock up around cup and pour in rice.

Pull out cup being careful not to spill the rice out of the sock.

Take a piece of yarn and wrap around the open of the sock to close it off.

Wrap around at least 2 times and tie in a knot.

If you are using a dishrag, place the sock in the middle of the dish rag and roll up.

Tie up each end of the dishrag like you did with the sock.

You are now ready to microwave and place on your aches and pains.

Tip: Start microwaving with 2 minutes and adjust. Sock thickness, amount of rice, and microwave will vary heating times.


Thanks to Judy H. for her submission!

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**Disclaimer: This will be hot and you need to exercise caution when applying this to your body. Madame Deals is not responsible for any injury you may incur if not used correctly**

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Topic: Rice Sock Heat