Memories: Taking a car trip

This series on how to make the most out of the time you have with your children is brought to you by Amee at Madame Deals and Sharon at Mom on Dealz.


Do you ever play memory games with your children? We play them in the car all the time. It is a great way to amuse them and increase their auditory memory. We play the alphabet game where you name items in ABC order. We make it harder by applying rules like you have to name animals. We also love to play the exhaust the alphabet game where you have to name as many words as you can that start with a certain letter. If you have older kids use blends or onsets. You could do bl words or words that end in ent.

We also like to play the game where you try to find a license plate for every state while you travel. We count the number of cars we see that are a certain color. We count the number of  trucks that pass or convertibles. We try to guess the number of miles to the next town. We figure out how far away we are and how long it will take to get there. We talk about how much gas is and how much a tank will cost. We use math to determine how much money we will get back from tolls.

We also love to sing the songs on the radio together. We try to sing the songs in crazy voices. We take turns listening to the kids songs and the adult songs. We even make up songs. We really enjoy taking trip but it is tricky to keep three children occupied in the car. We try to use our imagination and when all else fails they have video games.