Karla’s Korner: A Letter to the Joneses

Karla’s Korner: A Letter to the Joneses

Karla's Korner: A Letter to the Joneses

A Letter to the Joneses….

We all know that one family who somehow manages to make life seem perfect. Social media is saturated with pictures of exotic vacations, kids perfect grades, new cars, houses, lavish shopping trips; the list is endless. And if we admit it we have all found ourselves feeling a bit envious and try to keep up with them from time to time; they are the “Joneses”. Having had several conversations about “The Joneses” recently and how what we perceive and what is real is all too often completely different we must realize that THAT life is not attainable; I don’t believe it truly exists. Perfection is not an element of life; however, happiness amongst the struggles of life is possible if we embrace the struggles with a positive attitude. We must learn to be grateful for what we have. This week as part of my own letting go I have decided to write a letter to the Joneses and “break up” with them.

Dear Joneses:

The time has come for me to terminate our relationship as trying to keep up with you is both exhausting and a waste of time.” When I sift through the myriad of your social media posts, photographs and messages I sometimes find myself feeling less than adequate. You see the picture you paint is one of perfection in all areas of your life and mine, well mine is nowhere near perfect. Because of your inability to portray the hardships of your life, and I know you must have some, I have found myself feeling as if I am lacking what it takes to be happy. And because I feel inadequate I have completely worn myself out emotionally trying to keep up with you and the idyllic life you portray.

We can no longer be friends not because I am angry but because life is not nor will it ever be perfect and trying to keep up with you trying to portray perfection is simply exhausting. Instead I will continue to surround myself with people who live authentically, love deeply without condition. I will pursue life experiences instead of things that last for a few fleeting moments. I will strive to make memories that will forever rest in the deepest corners of my soul instead of filling every nook and cranny with meaningless crap. In order to acknowledge that what I have is more than enough I must remove that which distracts me and clouds my vision as to what I need versus what I want. I must learn not to settle but to be thankful and recognize that there are others who struggle and yet manage to overcome not because they have stuff but because they have a heart that endures and never gives in or gives up.

You see, Joneses, life is about moments and memories; it is to be lived not chased until you are so exhausted that you cannot enjoy it. Life is to be lived authentically, purposefully and fully; not in a cloud of artificial happiness that diminishes when something new and shiny comes along. Because of this I must set myself free and live the life I was created to live; mine not yours. My guess is that underneath all of the stuff you have lies a desire to have something you don’t have. I encourage you to take a look around and determine what it is that’s really important to you, let go of all of the “stuff”, make memories that will rest in your soul for the rest of your life.

While I wish you no ill will or harm I will no longer be following you around wishing I have what you have because I have plenty. Instead I will be nestled in my little corner of the world living, loving and laughing with my tribe, the weirdos who make life a bit sweeter just by being in it. I encourage you to follow these words by Dr. Steve Maraboli “There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.” I wish you well…


Also read The Top 10 People to Delete Off Your Facebook


I think we all need a touch point a place we can go to be inspired. Karla is my children’s teacher, a good friend, and a person with a heart of gold. I hope that her words will inspire you to do more. We are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with. It is important to listen with your heart and proceed with your eyes open. Enjoy!

Read more Karla’s Korner, also please visit Karla’s Lifetime Moms page and read her articles.

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