Aldi Five Things You Need to Know



Well, I think I need to add 5 things to my original list of 10 things you need to know about Aldi.  I went shop
ping there and here are the things I wished someone told me.


Aldi Tips

1) You will see that they have a great line of organic products.

2) You need a quarter or you are not getting a cart They lock them up and only a quarter will release them.

3) You get your quarter back when you return your cart That is why the lady didn’t give me her cart instead she scurried past me and locked it up to retrieve her quarter.

4) They do not bag your groceries They put them back in your cart with out bags. You should not bring all your groceries out to your car without having them in bags. That is what the huge counter is for behind the cashier. If you chose to do this like I did. Then you will be the subject of everyone staring at you wondering why you didn’t see the huge counter that is supposed to be used for this task.

5) When you leave the store they have the preview for next week If I lived near the Aldi store then I would go get that flyer so I know what not to buy this week and what to wait to buy during the following week. (I live 45 minutes away but I found that I saved enough to do 3 weeks of grocery shopping for $250.00)


Topic: Aldi tips